Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the minimum number of people to run the trip? What if it is not met?

  • There is a minimum number of people to run each trip to ensure the overhead costs are covered. If we do not have the minimum met two weeks before the trip start date we will have to sadly cancel the trip. We will reimburse 100% of the cost of your registration or transfer it to a different trip of your choosing.

2. How many people will be on the trip?

  • Most trips have a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants. This is in addition to 3 Trip Leaders. An additional Trip Leader will be close by (in town) with a vehicle in case support is needed.

3. When will I get more information about the trip?

  • Thank you for your patience! We will be sending out emails for each trip as the dates draw closer with more detailed information such as: GPX file of the route, packing list, exact meet-up time, when we expect to be back to the cars, food details, and more. If you have any questions before please reach out, but that information is coming your way soon!

4. What if I need a bike?

  • We do not have bikes for rental at this point through Galpackas. Check with bike shops in the area or REI as they often have rental options.

5. What if I need camping gear? Bikepacking gear? What about group gear?

  • You will receive a packing list that details all the gear you’ll need for the trip. If you don’t have something, reach out! We can offer some recommendations and help you find what you need for the weekend without having to go out and buy everything.

  • When you sign up you can choose a registration option to rent bikepacking bags. We are charging $10 to help cover wear and tear of our gear library. We do have a limited number of bags for rental. Please reach out if you need a rental and are not able to reserve one!

  • We understand that some gear like tents and stoves, can be pared down depending on group size. Let us know if you are comfortable sharing a tent with a fellow rider. We will consolidate group gear at the packing party as able.

6. Who are the trip leaders?

  • Each trip is led by Galpackas founders Monica or Heather. Additionally, each trip will have two volunteer trip leaders with bikepacking experience, first aid training, and lots of tips and tricks to help support you on the trail. They will be your biggest cheerleader! Another leader will be available close by with a vehicle in case we need additional support.

7. What if this is my first-ever trip?

  • We are STOKED you want to join us! WELCOME :) We are a NO DROP group and want everyone to bike away from the trip feeling empowered and excited about bikepacking. We welcome riders of all skill levels and backgrounds. Feel free to reach out to us with any concerns or questions you might have. All questions are welcomed!

8. Where will we be camping? Where are the water sources?

  • We pre-ride every one of our trips. We have mapped out where we are camping and are thoughtful of water sources along the way. In bikepacking not everything always goes as planned for a variety of reasons, so we think through all alternative plans as well. We will provide participants with the route (including camping spots and water sources). Route are subject to change depending on weather, permitting, etc. but we will update you with the new route if this occurs.

9. What if I have a food allergy? Are there accommodations for the meals?

  • Please let us know what diet modifications you need when you complete your registration form. We can definitely accommodate based on your needs.

10. Do I need to take the day off work? What time do we leave the trailhead and when will we be back to our cars?

  • Intro to Bikepacking, Rowdy Ridge Ramble, A Grand Adventure, and Roaring Fork Valley Tour all run from Friday to Sunday. We typically meet mid-morning for introductions, our packing party, and to hit the trail with plenty of time to ride. We aim to get back to our cars mid to late afternoon on Sunday. Sometimes unexpected things come up on the trail so plan for a whole day out on Sunday.

  • White Ranch is run from Saturday to Sunday. We will meet mid-day to pack up our bikes and get going. We aim to get back to our cars mid to late afternoon on Sunday. Sometimes unexpected things come up on the trail so plan for a whole day Sunday.

  • Gunni Gravel is run from Friday mid-day to Sunday afternoon. We will meet mid-day for introductions, our packing party, and to hit the trail with plenty of time to ride. We aim to get back to our cars mid to late afternoon on Monday. Sometimes unexpected things come up on the trail so plan for a whole day Monday.

11. Do I need to know how to fix my bike?

  • The packing list will include items you should bring on the trip (things like extra tubes, CO2, etc). Your trip leaders all feel comfortable with troubleshooting mechanical issues on the trail and we will figure it out as a team. So come as you are!

12. Do I need to have a GPS device?

  • A GPS device is not required. Each of the leaders will have a way to navigate on the trail and know the route. However, we do encourage every rider to have the route downloaded to either their phone or bike computer if possible.

13. Will there be alcohol on the trip?

  • We want to create an environment that feels inclusive for all so therefore no drugs or alcohol are permitted on our trips.

14. Tell me more about the safety aspect of this trip.

  • We have safety plans, evacuation plans, and safety protocols in place that all trip leaders follow. All trip leaders at minimum have CPR/first aid training. Galpackas will also have one additional leader in town with a vehicle in case support is needed. There will always be at least two GPS beacons with your leaders in case of emergencies.

15. What if I need to cancel what does that look like?

  • Please send us an email to

  • Partial refunds (50%) are available up to 60 days before the event. Within 60 days, no refund or credit is possible. You may transfer your registration to someone else. If we have a waiting list available we will open up your ticket to the waiting list and give you a refund if it is taken.

16. Can I come late to the trip? What if I need to leave early? Is there a discount for that?

  • We highly encourage you to start and end with the group for logistics, safety, and ease on the trip leaders and group. However, please reach out. We are happy to chat with you on an individual basis to figure out if either is a possibility based on the route.

  • We are not offering discounts on coming on late in the trip as we have to plan for food, permits, insurance, etc.

17. Can I come on more than one trip?

  • Yes please join us for multiple trips if you are interested!

18. What if a trip fills up and no more spots are available? Is there a waitlist?

  • Please add your email address to the waitlist if a trip is sold out. This can be found on the details page for the individual trip. If we have a cancellation we reach out to individuals on the waitlist based on when they added their email.

19. Will people know each other on the trip? What if I am coming solo?

  • Some people sign up with friends, others come solo. We welcome both! If you are coming solo, we promise to create a space where you feel welcome!

20. Is carpooling a thing to the meeting location?

  • We will include a link for people to coordinate carpooling in a pre-trip email. We do encourage carpooling as there are fewer cars at the trailheads and we want to respect other trail users. Plus the earth appreciate it too!

21. Where will I be parking?

  • For a majority of the trips we will be parking at designated trailheads. Galpackas scouts out where to leave cars when we pre-ride each of the routes.

22. What if I can’t afford to pay for the trip at this time?

  • We currently are building a scholarship fund to help lower the financial barrier to joining one of our trips. We will post scholarship opportunities to the website once they have been funded. Stay tuned!

Do you have a question that was not answered above? Please reach out to and we will happily get back to you.